Uge Waku


Inooro TV values public involvement in decision making. Your say is paramount and this is what we guarantee you in our segment UGE WAKU that airs every weekday from 11.00am to 1pm

On Monday, Gichimu Joseph and Gathoni Njihia give you a chance to air your views on current issues. Topical issues of the week as they also seek expert opinion on the same.

On TUESDAY, Wambui Macharia and Muriuki wa Muchoki crack the numbers to give you relevant information on money matters. A chance to you to express your views on state of the economy

On WEDNESDAY, Harun Maina and Njambi wa Njau engage experts on social matters like health, agriculture, education giving you a chance to amplify your voice on hits and misses on these sectors

Our County edition program airs on THURSDAY with Ikuwa wa Mbochi and Kate Muthoni highlighting state of our devolved units. Matters leadership and management, accountability, development etc are put on the table.

On FRIDAY, it is time for the youth to have their say; Gitonga wa Wambui and Wakarura Nyutu delve into areas that matter to the younger population in the country.