

Gukemba is a latenight Show on Wimwaro Fm that Airs from 8pm to 12am every Week. The Show’s main ‘target is to educate,entertains and inform Audience happenings of the day.

It is hosted by an eye and ears opened Presenter whom is equal to the task.

Gukemba which means ( to Sieve) is a one stop Radio Show featuring Audience interest updates on Politics, Health, economy and Social Radio Settings.

The host invites experts who take Audience through the Topics and Audience is invited to ask Questions and share Minds.

The late-night Program also Provides an interactive session where an audience get a chance to call in and share their views on the topics of the day. The host moderate the interactions and provide ways where necessary. The interactive session is always lively, it makes an audience keep in touch to it every day of the week.
Gukemba Show has attracted wide range of Audience for entertaining, informing and educating them.