

Mucanjamuko show is a midmorning show on wimwaro FM that happens every Sunday. This show objective is to entertain the audience with well-chosen gospel kizazi kipya music. The presenter gets to interact with the audience to know what music they would like to listen to. The presenter choses few lines from the bible to give encouragement to the audience termed as kamuvari ka muthenya.

Itia rwimbo
In this segment the presenter starts with interacting with the audience to know what new gospel music they would love to be played. The presenter also gets to talk about what is happening in the gospel world. The presenter gets to also advice the young generation on life issues thing happening with the youthful generation.

Kamuvari ka muthenya
In this segment the presenter chooses few words from the bible that serve as guidance to the youth. She later explains them in a way most young generation will understand.

Rwimbo rwa muthenya
The presenter gets to entertain her listeners with the most requested songs during the last hour of the show.