

TWATULIZAA (Bahari FM Evening Drive) is a current affairs show that keeps abreast of current affairs, sports, entertainment news and interviews with the headline makers. It’s the only radio show in the region (coast) that gives the mwananchia platform to discuss and share their views on current affairs and the related topical issues that affect them. All of which are spiced with a great mix of music that cuts across decades (African Music)

Sound check- Time to interact with our listeners through a call-in session, Facebook, SMS and twitter.
Yaliyojiri katika kaunti- It’s a segment where the emphasis is on detailed analysis and discussion of news stories that have recently occurred or are ongoing in different counties at the time of broadcast (we round up the biggest stories of the day).

HOUR 2 (5PM-6PM)
Kipaza sauti- It’s a segment that gives the mwananchi a platform to discuss and share their views on current affairs and the related topical issues that affect them through call-in.

HOUR 3 (6PM-7PM)
Kumi balaa-Ten minutes of rhumba mix
Fimbo ya hekima- In this segment we give words of encouragement that will hopefully give our listeners a little boost in their struggles.
Malimwengu- Weird,wild,wonderful and strange but true tales from across the globe making the headlines and going viral on social media.This will leave you wondering how these stories could actually be true. It’s the most followed segment on facebook.

HOUR 4 (7PM-8PM)
MILA NA TAMADUNI ZETU-Culture affects us all as soon as we’re born. Whether be it our heritage, our traditions, our art, we are informed and shaped by culture, which makes it a rich subject to explore. In our age of technology and information, cultures from across the globe are more accessible to us now than ever before, allowing us to understand each other better, giving you a world of possibilities to choose from.
Monday- Moro wa kwehu [Mjadala]-Relationship and love issues
Tuesday- Ndhumo za kwehu [Methali za kwetu] Wednesday- Maneno ga kikwehu [Maneno ya kikwetu] Thursday- Imani za kimidzichenda [imani za kimijikenda] Friday- Playing Mijikenda traditional songs with modern upbeat sound, explaining origin, played by which tribe during what time or season.