Citizen Express


Citizen Express is a 3 hour show through the night from midnight to 4.00am. This show is designed for the adult late nighter or night shifter and the diaspora listener who wants to catch up with home.

Citizen Express is more of a bus that you board for your overnight trip and alight safely at the last stop informed and entertained along the way ready to take a break or get into the hustle for the day.

The show is highly interactive to keep the audience ‘awake’.
After ‘boarding the Express bus’ by text and calls, in the first hour the audience settles down to a ‘grown’ up conversation named Gumzo. As the audience settle down, there’s an opportunity for hawkers to sell their goods and services through calls just like we see on Kenyan buses. Gumzo is the juice of the show where relationship issues are discussed with no holds barred considering the time of the show. The conversation is centred on relationships and guided by a story shared by a listener.

The last hour of the show is for Salaams and wake up calls which give way to Pambazuka the daily gospel show.