Gucokia Mukaro


Gucokia Mukaro is a night family program on Wimwaro Fm that airs every Saturday from 8.00pm to 12am. The program features issues concerning families, relationships and marriages. It also hosts guests who advise families on peaceful coexistence and amicable ways of solving disputes as it entertains the listeners with good music. Other segments include; prayers, stories with moral lessons and topical conversations.

The show commences with a word of prayer, marriage being an institution faced with many challenges this segment is very crucial to encourage our listeners and give them hope.

Karugano ka muturire (story with a moral lesson)
This is a 30 minutes segment from 9.30pm-10.00 p.m the host narrates a story for married couples with a moral lesson and the key lesson learnt highlighted.

Register ya Mukaro
This is a 20 minutes segment where listeners calls in and send messages to confirm where they are listening from and how there day has been.

This is the main topic of discussion for the day where we discuss different topics that revolves around families and the listeners get a chance to participate in the discussion from 10.30pm-11.30pm