

Guturatura is a mid-morning show on Wimwaro FM that runs from 10am-1pm every week. The show’s primary objective is to keep the audience entertained as they go about their daily activities. It is hosted by a dynamic and charismatic presenter who engages the audience through various segments and topics.

The show features a mix of music, talk, and interactive sessions. The music is carefully curated to appeal to a wide audience and keep them entertained. The talk segments cover a range of topics, including work-related issues and relationship problems. The host invites experts to provide insights and advice on these topics, and the audience is encouraged to share their views and experiences.

One of the show’s most popular segments is the interactive hour, where the audience gets a chance to call in and share their views on the topics discussed. The host moderates the discussions and provides guidance and advice where necessary. The interactive hour is always lively and engaging, and the audience looks forward to it every week. Overall, Guturatura is a show that appeals to a wide audience and provides a mix of entertainment and informative content.