Ngúi Situ


This is a weekly musical entertainment show which revolves around Kamba ‘Benga’ artists and their music. Everything secular music is handled in this show.

The show runs from on Saturdays from 10am to 1 pm, just when people have woken up and relaxed or they are on the road travelling to attend various weekend events

Kila kieni uwanzani wa wathi
Saturdays 10:20-10:30am
This is where, news, views and gossip surrounding secular artists is aired.

Isaa ya tula twelu
Saturdays 10am-11am
This is the first hour of the show where new music that has been released to the market is introduced. Discussion revolves around how different artists package their message, the composition, creativity and their artistic talent from how the instrumentals are played and vocals coordination altogether.

The present tries to digest, bisect and analyze the hidden creativity in their compositions. The general achievement in this hour is to show that music isn’t just as simple as sitting down, writing and drafting memories. Instead, it’s a special edition, just like a writer, author or a cook who knows where to begin on different collections how to handle the raw data until he brings the food on the table.

Isaa ya mwini
This is the second hour where an invited secular artist is interviewed live on air.
Here the presenter digs deeper on the artist’s history, and why he/she ventured into music, if he/she understands what the field entails and the challenges as well as the achievements therein. Everything ‘Benga’ is discussed on this hour.

Ikumi myaki myaki
This is the music countdown hour where the presenter plays his selected and ranked music in the format of top ten. The trending songs in the market get an airplay for the audience to sample and get to know the upcoming artists as well as the artists who are doing well in the ‘Benga’ music scene. The countdown runs from number ten to number one and the segment is fused with hype of jingles and drops.