Rot Gaa


Basically a show that defines the evening as people return home after a busy day. As people retire for the day, they need cool music, light topics to engage in and perhaps concentrate on any pending business as they embark on journeys to their various destinations.

Every one has a favourite driver or rider for reasons known to them. This is a segment where listeners call and text as they recognize drivers and riders. Transport is an important sector in the economy. This is also aimed at having drivers and riders to tune to the show as they partake of their engagements. Listeners mention them by name, motor vehicle or motor circle number, frequent routes and destinations, Saccos and any other details.
The show is blended with old school Kalenjin rhumba and Benga.

Kalewenaik ap Kalenjin :6pm – 7pm

6.20pm – 6.30pm – This segment has Kalenjin proverbs and wise sayings. Language experts are linked via phone and listeners call via conference call. The experts contribute in turns and each takes a week with a proverb a day. Listeners give their opinion on the meaning of the proverb. Later, the expert sum up and give the real meaning and correct any misinterpretation.
6.50pm – farming feature

Everything is a repeat except on Thursday 6.40PM -6.50PM, where there is a weekly fun moments of translating complex Kalenjin phrases into English.


Tugetab kabotik(Farming Features):6.50pM
Is an informative agricultural feature engaging with farmers on farming trends. The feature incorporates voices of people in the agricultural value chain and provide farming tips complete with explainers on agrochemicals and farming best practices.

Road safety Tips – this is aimed at educating road users on good ways using roads.

Comedy – Olielo and Olchore are two companions. They are elders of close to eighty years. They share moments together because they are neighbours although they rarely agree on anything. Olielo spent his early life in urban environment, detaching him with rural life. Olchore spent his life as raider and warrior and always rebukes Olielo for contravening cultural practices. Olielo is slow to judge and decide while Olchore is, cunning, sharp and mischievous.

Makigen ak Making’al political satire – This a weakly political feature that captures funny moments that never made to news bulletins. Politicians make a lot of fun that sound comical when put together especially when there is a point of contention across the political divide. They talk to and at each other in different forums. All those funny bytes are put together by Olchore on Makigen ak making’al every Friday evening. Repeat is Saturday morning and afternoon.